荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Total Bulk

時間范圍:2009.12 - 2012.12單位:千噸數據來源:Port of Rotterdam Authority


圖表起止時間: - (拖動下面左右滑塊改變圖表起始時間)
下載表格數據荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Total Bulk 的數據如下:
序號 時間(季度) 單位:千噸
1 2012.12 開通后顯示數據,立即開通
2 2012.06 開通后顯示數據,立即開通
3 2011.12 開通后顯示數據,立即開通
4 2011.06 開通后顯示數據,立即開通
5 2010.12 開通后顯示數據,立即開通
6 2010.06 117542.00
7 2009.12 213145.00
鹿特丹港(年) 下的其他數據:
數據名(時間) 單位 起止時間 操作
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Agribulk(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Iron Ore and Scrap(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Coal(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Other Dry Bulk(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Subtotal Dry Bulk(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Crude Oil(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Mineral Oil Products(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Other Liquid Bulk(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Subtotal Liquid Bulk(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Total Bulk(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2012.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Containers(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Roll On/Roll Off(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Other General Cargo(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Total Breakbulk(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming and outgoing: Total Throughput(季度) 千噸 1975.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Agribulk(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Iron Ore and Scrap(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Coal(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Other Dry Bulk(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Subtotal Dry Bulk(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Crude Oil(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Mineral Oil Products(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Other Liquid Bulk(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Subtotal Liquid Bulk(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
荷蘭:Port of Rotterdam: Throughput: Incoming: Containers(季度) 千噸 2009.12 - 2023.12 進入查看
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